
  • The 3rd BIONNOVA Western Innovation Forum

    The 3rd BIONNOVA Western Innovation Forum

    The 3rd BIONNOVA Western Innovation Forum will combine the breakthrough flashpoints of the biopharmaceutical industry throughout the year of 2023, aiming at the breakthroughs in various fields, focusing on the innovative and improved drugs of chemical drugs, antibodies of biopharmaceuticals, cel...
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  • The 8th China Animal Health and Food Safety Conference.

    The 8th China Animal Health and Food Safety Conference.

    On June 13th, 2024, the 8th China Animal Health and Food Safety Conference, sponsored by the National Innovation Alliance for Animal Health and Food Safety, was grandly opened in Chengdu. The conference held more than ten parallel forums and more than a hundred reports, covering many aspects in t...
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  • QINGDAO AMA CO., LTD will be participating in Analytica 2024

    QINGDAO AMA CO., LTD will be participating in Analytica 2024

    Analytica 2024 Apr.9-12,2024 QINGDAO AMA CO., LTD Hall: A3 Stand 226/5 Address:Messe Munich exhibition center, Munich, Germany We like to announce that QINGDAO AMA CO., LTD will be participating in Analytica 2024, one of the most prestigious events in the field Life Science and Biotech. We are...
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  • 12-well cell culture screening kit Easily select the best coating method for cell growth

    Different cells have different requirements for the culture environment. The 12-well screening kit developed by our company has four special surface coating technologies, which can screen 3 types of cells at one time. One box has 5 pieces and can test 15 types of cells; You can also culture cells...
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  • 2023.9.19-21 Dubai Exhibition!

    Qingdao ama co., ltd : Ultra low binding surface treatment products and 96-well and 384-well black and white plates with clear bottom , have received unanimous attention from foreign customers 
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  • QINGDAO AMA CO., LTD will attend ARABLAB exhibition in Dubai from 19th-22th Sep.

    QINGDAO AMA CO., LTD will attend ARABLAB exhibition in Dubai from 19th-22th Sep.

    QINGDAO AMA CO., LTD will attend ARABLAB exhibition in Dubai from 19th-22th Sep. See you in ARABLAB live Dubai .
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  • Qingdao Ama Co., Ltd.

    Professional Excellence QINGDAO AMA Co., LTD. was established in 1992 and has established the" Alpha" brand for more than 30 years. The company has been committed to the research and development, production and sales of laboratory and hospital disposable consumables. As ...
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  • Petri من موهيندڙ

    1.Material: High quality polystyrene (GPPS) 2.Multiple specifications, multiple functions, and multiple varieties 3.Stable performance, smooth dish bottom, uniform thickness 4.Specially designed Petri dish lids facilitate gas exchange 5.The seal and the outer box have production batch numbers, wh...
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  • سيل ڪلچر ڊشز TC علاج ڪيو ويو، TC وڌايو ويو علاج، الٽرا گھٽ پابند علاج

    1.Specifications: 35mm، 60mm، 100mm، 150mm 2. مصنوعات جي ٿلهي ٿلهي ۽ تري ۾ ڪا به تحريف نه آهي 3. مٿاڇري جي علاج کان پوءِ، اها سٺي ڪارڪردگي آهي ۽ مختلف تجرباتي گهرجن کي پورا ڪري سگهي ٿي 4. آسان گرفت انگوزي ڊيزائن حفاظت کي يقيني بڻائي ٿي جڏهن ڪلچر ڊشز يا سيل آپري کي کڻڻ ...
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  • سيل ڪلچر فلاسڪس TC علاج ڪيو ويو، TC وڌايو ويو علاج، الٽرا گھٽ پابند علاج

    1.Specifications: T25, T75, T175, T225 2. مختلف پوکي جي ضرورتن جي مطابق، اتي آهن سيلنگ ڪيپ ۽ وينٽ ڪيپ اختياري 3. وينٽ ڪيپ ڊيزائن اندروني ۽ بيروني گئس جي مٽاسٽا کي آسان بڻائي ٿي ۽ مؤثر طريقي سان آلودگي کي روڪي ٿي 4. ويڪيوم پيڪنگنگ، بيچ نمبر جي سڃاڻپ , آسان معيار traceabi ...
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  • سيل ڪلچر پراڊڪٽس

    پيداوار جو ماحول: 100,000-ڪلاس صاف ورڪشاپ ۾ پيداوار پيداوار خام مال: اعلي معيار پولسٽريئر (GPPS) پيداوار جو عمل: پيداوار جي جوڙجڪ شاندار آهي، ماڊل مڪمل آهي، درست ٺاھڻ، ڪو به ڪيميائي اضافو ناهي. خود انسپيڪشن جي چار معائنن کي سختي سان لاڳو ڪريو ...
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  • سيل ڪلچر پليٽس TC علاج ڪيو ويو، TC وڌايو ويو علاج، الٽرا گھٽ پابند علاج

    سيل ڪلچر پليٽس TC علاج ڪيو ويو، TC وڌايو ويو علاج، الٽرا گھٽ پابند علاج

    1.6 کوهه، 12 کوهه، 24 کوهه، 48 کوهه، 96 کوهه، 384 کوهه 2. سوراخن جي وچ ۾ اوچائي هڪجهڙائي رکي ٿي، هيٺيون ڀت برابر ۽ هڪجهڙي آهي، جيڪا مشاهدي لاءِ آسان آهي؛ خلا کي بچائڻ لاءِ ان کي اسٽيڪ ڪري سگهجي ٿو 3. هيٺان کان خوردبيني پڙهڻ لاءِ شفاف هيٺان 4. آلودگي کي گهٽائڻ ۾ مدد لاءِ هڪ ڍڪ سان، ...
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